Cory Hoffman was the Head Teaching Assistant (TA) of the University of Texas at Austin's Geology 303 laboratory class for the Fall semester of 1996 and 1997. He has taught that course for 5 semesters at various times since 1992 culminating in the assignment as Head TA. This page will present some information about the course for those who are enrolled (or wish to enroll) in the course--as well as for those who wish to learn a little bit about some "basic" geological concepts. All material presented herein has been compiled and/or generated by Cory Hoffman and was used as teaching materials for the Fall 1996/1997 semesters by him and the other TAs.
I've taught the Geology 303 course under various professors (Dr. Leon Long, Dr. Doug Smith, Dr. Steve Grand) who each contributed immensely to the great success and excellence of the Geology 303 course as a whole--both with regards to the lab and especially the main lecture portion. It is their dedication to teaching the students (as well as their support to the teaching assistants) that has made the Geology 303 undergraduate course the flagship it has become.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't thank the scores of teaching assistants who took the time and effort to continually improve the laboratory portion of the course both in terms of content and teaching effectiveness. Previous Head TAs I've worked with such as Norm Van Broekhoven and Alisa Remington and other long-time Geology 303 TAs (like Brian Schlottmann, Susan Knox, and many, many others) have each worked hard to make the course the best it could be. Many thanks to these and the countless other TAs who worked so hard for the sake of the students they taught!
Interested in finding out more about Cory Hoffman including his interests, experiences, resume, etc.? Or perhaps you would like to make comments to Cory about this page or ask him some questions? Click here to visit his Home Page. Or send him an e-mail with your comments and suggestions.