Description, classification, and origin
of earth structures. Solution of problems by descriptive geometry,
geologic maps, and contouring. Three lecture hours and three laboratory
hours a week for one semester. Normally offered in the fall semester
only. Prerequisite: For students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in
Geological Sciences, Geological Sciences 420K with a grade of at least
C, Physics 301 and 101L or 303K and 103M with a grade of at least C in
each, and credit with a grade of at least C or registration for
Mathematics 408C or 408K (or 308K); for students pursuing the Bachelor
of Arts with a major in geological sciences, Geological Sciences 420K
with a grade of at least C and three semester hours of coursework in
mathematics other than Mathematics 301, 316K, or 316L; for others,
consent of instructor.