Course Grading
Class policies and requirements
Academic Dishonesty
How to do Well
Services for Students
Dates to Note

Course Grading
Exams: 15% x 3 = 45%
Final Exam: 15%
Engagement: 5%
Homework: 17%
Portfolio: 18%
Extra credit: to be added to final exam score (out of 100%).

There are no make-up exams given. If you miss an exam and do not present a valid documented excuse within 24 hours, your grade for that exam will be zero. If you miss a lecture exam and present a valid excuse within 24 hours, then the lowest grade of your other two exams will substitute for the missing score. Only one missed exam can be substituted for in this manner. If there are special extenuating circumstances presented within 24 hours, alternatives to this policy will be considered. Extra credit opportunities are described on the Portfolio web page. There will be a group extra credit exercise in class that can result in positive or negative extra credit, depending on the group dynamics of the class.

Class policies and requirements
  - Bring two index cards to class each day, these should be 3x5”, blank on one side, lined on the other
  - Attendance is required, both in lecture and discussion section
  - No laptops or other portable electronic devices; Please turn off your phone before coming to class
  - If you need to come late or leave early, contact your instructor prior to class; If you arrive late, enter through the rear doors 

    outside of the building

Academic honesty and integrity
All written work handed in is considered to be your own and prepared without any unauthorized assistance. We intend to ensure that students do their own work. Falsification of attendance records, cheating, and plagiarism are three forms of academic dishonesty. All forms of academic dishonesty will be dealt with seriously. See the University’s policy on academic integrity at the Student Judicial Services website, and read an editorial on this subject.

How to do well in this class
The exams will be based on the lecture material and the discussion section activities are designed to support your learning of the lecture materials. If you wish to do well in this class, the most important things you can do are 1) come to class, 2) pay attention in class (pretend that there will be a quiz at the end of class on the lecture you just heard), 3) take good notes, 4) do the reading assignments before coming to class to familiarize yourself with the subject matter, and review your notes and the readings on a daily to weekly basis rather than a few days before the exam, 5) use the time set aside at the beginning of discussion sections and at office hours to review material that you are having difficulty with (on a weekly basis rather than a few days before the exam), and 6) make use of the services below as needed. Most educational studies recommend between 2 and 3 hours of study time for each hour of lecture.

How to Engage in this Class

  1. Attendance
  2. Interaction During:
    1. Class
    2. Office Hours
    3. Field Trips
    4. Supplemental Lectures
    5. Blackboard Discussion Boards

Services for Students
Student Judicial Services
Services for Students with Disabilities
Undergraduate Writing Center
UT Learning Center

Dates to note
Aug. 31: Last day of the official add/drop period; after this date, changes in registration require the approval of the department chair and usually the student's dean. (See General Information, chapter 4, for required approvals.). Last day undergraduate students may register and pay fees without the approval of the registrar.

Sept. 11: Twelfth class day; this is the date the official enrollment count is taken. Last day an undergraduate student may add a course except for rare and extenuating circumstances. Payment due for added courses (add bill). Last day to drop a course for a possible refund. (See General Information, chapter 4, for required approvals.)

Sept. 23: Last day to drop a course without a possible academic penalty. (See General Information, chapter 4, for required approvals.).

If you are considering dropping, DO NOT WAIT until the end of the semester. Occasionally a student will be encouraged to "wait until the next exam" or "wait until the end of the semester" to drop a course. The University establishes drop deadlines and the College of Natural Sciences adheres to those published deadlines (for more info see Academic Calendar).