General Lab Information |
- Data for lab exercises, web bookmarks, PDF copies of
ESRI books, help files, and more, are available in the
online class folder. Browse the building network path:
\\\root\geo-class\Geo-327g_386g to get there, and/or map the
location as a network drive for later use.
Lab data, as downloadable zipped folders, can also be found
in the Canvas Lab Assignment page for each lab.
- A personal licensed copy of the software is available to
any registered student through the UT library, who also
offers a variety of
geospatial and
data services. See their
installation and licensing guidelines.
- See the lab syllabus for grading policy, due dates,
etc. T.A. Kristina Butler can be reached at
Her office hours are held in the JGB 2.312 TBA.
- Unless otherwise stated, lab assignments are due before
the beginning of lab the following week. Due dates and
times are given in Canvas.
- No food or drink is permitted in the lab. You are expected to wipe down your workstation (keyboard,
mouse, cpu, desk area) after finishing and will be
instructed on how to do so. Cleaning supplies will be
available at all times - you must complete this task before
leaving the room. Please wear a
mask at all times while in the classroom.
- A schedule for room 2.312 shows
when the room is available outside of lecture and lab
Maps of the Week |
Cartography Tips |
Software Tips |
- Useful techniques for labs or projects can be found in
Software Tips.
Software Bugs and Workarounds