Field Equipment
Note: Through a cooperative arrangement, many of the items below are packaged for sale at the University Co-Op under "Geo420k" section of the bookstore.
- Field notebook with waterproof paper (e.g. surveyor’s field book)
- Grain size card (available in the undergrad. office)
- Geologic hammer
- Hand lens - 10X magnification or higher
- Small squirt bottle for HCl acid (acid will be provided)
- Six-inch ruler with mm and inch scales (best if it also has a protractor)
- Protractor, smaller is better
- Mechanical Pencil: Pentel 0.5 mm or equivalent with F or 2H hardness lead
- Colored pencil set - 6 colors minimum; hard lead, shouldn't smudge
- 2 drafting pens: Prismacolor Premier fineline marker, sizes 005 and 01, or Staedtler pens 0.05 and 0.01, or technical (drafting) pens #0 and #00
- Proper field clothes, particularly hat and shoes/boots
- Clipboard with cover (standard 8 1/2 x 11" size, without a large metal clip)
- Erasers/liquid paper
- Water Bottles / Canteen (need 2+ quarts/liters)
- Watch
- Backpack or carrying bag
- Rainwear
- First-aid kit
- Aspirin, chapstick, bandaids, sunscreen, insect repellent, etc.
- Toilet paper
- Firearms
- Alcoholic beverages in University vehicles
- Controlled substances and narcotics
A good sighting compass with a clinometer is necessary for the course. The Department has a large supply of such compasses to check out to students taking GEO 420K. Many professional geologists own their own compasses, however, and a few students have purchased their own for use in the course. Prices for new compasses of the best quality (similar to or better than the "Brunton Pocket Transits") can exceed $250, but much cheaper substitutes (like the Silva Ranger with a clinometer, for less than $80) are quite usable. Many compasses are not suitable for geologic use so be careful if you buy; note that the compass must be useful for sighting and for measuring dips, and a clinometer is a necessary part.