Spring 2012 Lecture/Lab Schedule - All Sections
Date |
Lecture |
Lab |
1/17 | Geologic Timescales (BH) | Compass/Pace and Compass Map* |
1/18 & 19 | Brunton Compass (MH, BH, CK) | |
1/23 & 24 | Sedimentary Rock Description: Essential Elements (CK&BH) | Rock and Rock Unit Descriptions |
1/25 & 26 | Measuring and Logging Clastic Rock Successions (CK&BH) | |
1/30 | Texas GOM History and Tertiary Regional Context (CK) | Net Sand Isopach Mapping |
1/31 | Biostratigraphy; Sedimentary Structures, Trace Fossils, Fauna (BH) | |
2/1 | Field Trip 1 Postmortem (CK) | |
2/2 | Texas GOM History and Tertiary Regional Context (BH) | |
2/6 | Measuring and Logging Carbonate Strata (CK) | Cyclicity/Fisher Plots |
2/7 & 8 | Cretatceous Stratigraphic Evolution of Central Texas (BH&CK) | |
2/9 | Field Trip 1 Postmortem (BH) | |
2/13 | Scales of Cyclicity and Correlation of Sedimentary Rocks (CK) | Unconformities, Correlation and Facies |
2/14 | Measuring and Logging Carbonate Strata (BH) | |
2/15 | Field Trip 2 Postmortem (CK) | |
2/16 | Scales of Cyclicity and Correlation of Sedimentary Rocks (BH) | |
2/20 | Lithostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy and Tools for Correlation (CK) | Pilot Knob Exercise - Part 1* |
2/21 | Chronostratigraphy and Age Dating of Sedimentary Rocks (BH) | |
2/22 |
Basin Classification, Background Setting of Trip 3: Late Paleozoic Ouachita Orogen and Associated Foreland Basin Strata (CK) |
2/23 | Field Trip 2 Postmortem (BH) | |
2/27 | Modern Tools and Applications in Field-Based Strat. Modeling (CK) | Pilot Knob Exercise - Part 2* |
2/28 | Basin Classification; Sediment Provenance, Paleocurrents (BH) | |
2/29 | Field Trip 3 Postmortem (CK) | |
3/1 | Lithostratigrapy, Chronostratigraphy, and Tools for Correlation (BH) | |
3/5 | Principles of Global Positioning Systems (MH) | No Lab |
3/6 | Field Trip 3 Postmortem (BH); Principles of GPS (MH) | |
3/7 & 8 | Exam (CK&BH) | |
Spring Break |
3/19 & 20 | Mapping Techniques/Location Methods/GPSII (MH&RM) | Topographic Maps |
3/21 & 22 | Geology of the Llano Uplift (MH&RM) | |
3/26 & 27 | Interpreting Geologic Map Patterns (MH&RM) | Geologic Maps I |
3/28 & 29 | Strike Lines, Dip Calculation and Unit Thicknesses from Maps (MH&RM) | |
4/2 & 3 | Geologic Map Interpretation II (MH&RM) | Geologic Maps II |
4/4 & 5 | Field Trip 4 Postmortem (MH&RM) | |
4/9 & 10 | Cross Section Construction (MH&RM) | Cross Sections |
4/11 & 12 | Down Plunge Viewing; Geologic Maps as Cross Sections (MH&RM) | |
4/16 & 17 | Describing Fabrics in Tectonites (MH&RM) | Describing Metamorphic Rocks/GPS* |
4/18 & 19 | Field Trip 5 Postmortem (MH&RM) | |
4/23 & 24 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (MH) | G.I.S. Base Map Preparation/GPS* |
4/25 & 26 | Mapping and Measuring Folds (RM) | |
4/30 & 5/1 | Field Trip 6 Postmortem(MH&RM) | Lab Final |
5/2 & 3 | Evaluations, Review (MH&RM) | |
5/12 or 15 | Final Exam | |
(CK) = Dr. Charles Kerans (BH) = Dr. Brian
Horton (MH) = Dr. Mark Helper (RM) = Dr. Randall Marrett |
* Lab conducted outdoors, prepare accordingly |