Fall 2011
   GEO327G/386G: GIS & GPS Applications in Earth Sciences

Software Tips - 2








  Messages>Labs>Tips>Tip 2    


How to capture and paste a full screen shot or a screen window.


To take a picture of everything on screen, or simply a window on the screen, do one of the following:


  • To copy the entire screen to the clipboard, use the Print Screen key.
  • To copy simply a view of the active window, use Alt-Print Screen.
  • Use the Windows 7 Snipping Tool (search "Snipping Tool" to bring it up and use the query button in the tool menu for direction on use)  - this will allow capture of any part of the screen by sizing a "snipping window" to the area of interest.

The resulting image can then be pasted directly into many programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, ArcMap and others) by pasting (Ctrl V or right click and Paste).  Alternatively, it can be examined, cropped, edited and saved in a number of different formats (.bmp, jpg, gif, tif, etc.) using the Paint program in Windows 7.  Microsoft Paint is located via the Start button at:  All Programs>Accessories>Paint.  Onced saved, the picture can be inserted via Insert/Picture/From File, or within ArcMap simply Insert/Picture.


Last updated October 15, 2019
Comments and questions to helper@mail.utexas.edu
Geological Science,  U. Texas at Austin