Spring 2012 Field Trips
TRIP DATES, Spring 2012
By registering for GEO 420K, you have agreed to be available for field trips on 6 weekends. The weekend dates for the trips, shown below, are assigned by whether you are enrolled in a M/W (Helper & Kerans) or T/Th (Horton & Marrett) lecture section. At least one is an overnight trip, taking us away from Austin both Saturday AND Sunday; others are single day trips, requiring attendance on either a Saturday OR Sunday. For single day trips, if you are in the Kerans/Helper lecture section, you need to consult the "Trip Rosters" on the class Blackboard site to see whether you will attend Saturday or Sunday. Changes to Trip Rosters can be made up to 2 days prior to a trip, at which point they are finalized. If you would like to change days for a trip (BUT NOT WEEKENDS), email Dr. Helper.
The field trip weekends for both sections during Spring 2012 are:
Kerans & Helper | Horton & Marrett | Locality | |
Trip 1 | January 28 OR 29 | February 4 | Bastrop |
Trip 2 | February 11 OR 12 | February 18 | Austin Area; Loop 360 |
Trip 3 | February 25 OR 26 | March 3 | Pedernales Falls S.P.; Marble Falls Localities |
Trip 4 | March 31 AND April 1 | March 31 AND April 1 | Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Mason Co. |
Trip 5 | April 14 OR 15 | April 22 | Mable Falls Area |
Trip 6 | April 28 AND 29 | April 28 AND 29 | Mason Co., near Streeter |
Details for each of the trips are available through the hyperlinks on this page, in the Lab Manual and/or on Blackboard. WITH HIGH COURSE ENROLLMENTS, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU ATTEND ON THE DATES YOU ARE ASSIGNED. Exceptions require exceptional circumstances (oversleeping is not an exceptional circumstance...) AND another student willing to switch with you.
Your attendance and participation in all field trips is required for a passing grade, without exceptions.
Be on time and come prepared!